A loan helped to give rural households access to clean cooking solutions and avoid daily health-damaging exposure to smoke from wood or charcoal.

Atec Cambodia And Bangladesh's story

This loan will give over 300 base-of-pyramid households in Cambodia and Bangladesh access to affordable, more efficient, safer and cleaner cooking.

ATEC is a social enterprise that exists to provide clean cooking. Exposure to harmful smoke caused by cooking with biomass leads to almost 4 million deaths per year globally. This is costing the world’s economy approximately $2.4 trillion each year due to the adverse impacts of unsafe, polluting fuels and technologies on health, climate and livelihoods.

In rural Cambodia today, close to 80% of households still use solid fuels for cooking, which stands in contrast to the country’s high extension of the electric grid now reaching over 95% of the villages.

Initially having started with providing biodigester solutions to small farmers off the electrical grid, ATEC is now rolling out the on-grid magnetic induction stove eCook across Cambodia and Bangladesh. eCook uses the safest and most efficient cooking technology available in the market. ATEC offers single and double burners together with pots as a pay-as-you-go solution. That means the full purchase price is broken down into small, affordable monthly instalments and can be paid off every month using a mobile money app or via local payment kiosks.

This loan helps to finance the prepayment of pay-go enabled stoves and allows ATEC to achieve economies of scale through bulk production and sourcing, savings which can then be passed on to end customers in the form of reduced prices.

This loan is special because:

This loan will enable ATEC to expand the production and sales of life-changing cooking technology in Cambodia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details