A loan helped a member to buy natural medicines at wholesale.

02 El Shaddai Group's story

The communal bank “El Shaddai” is part of the Agencia Los Andes, and has 8 members. The group is led by a board of directors, and Daysi is a member of this board.

Daysi is in a common-law marriage and has one child. She has a business selling natural medicines. With her loan, she will buy natural medicines in bulk from the wholesalers in Peru. Later, she will sell these items from her sales post. By working in this way, she is able to generate income to support the family financially. Daysi aspires to expand her business, and she requests that you once again trust her communal bank.

Note: in the photograph you see only 3 people due to the Covid-19 health emergency. They were not able to take a photo of the entire group due to pandemic restrictions.

In this group: Yhanirca, Samuel, Froilan Remberto, Daysi Elba, Juana, Elmer Javier, Yhoselin, Vicente

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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