A loan helped to buy paints, to paint the walls of the house, to build a bathroom, and to pay for labor.

Cony Maria's story

Cony is a humble, hardworking, and responsible woman. She is a technician in insect biology and that has permitted her to be an assistant in a laboratory. Cony also is the proprietor of a grocery store that permits her to strengthen her income, to improve her quality of life. And, she receives support from abroad.

At this time, she has come for a Kiva loan from MiCrédito to buy paints, to paint the walls of the house, to build a bathroom, and to pay for labor. After this investment, he will be able to have better conditions in his house.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to short-term emergency loans.

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