A loan helped to buy pinchagua [a type of herring], containers, and other supplies for her food business.

Yelitza Geraldine's story

Yelitza Geraldine is 27 years old, in a common-law relationship, and has two children (ages 5 and 1). Her husband is a fisherman. They live in Manta, a beautiful place that is known for its lovely beaches that line the coast.

Yelitza Geraldine is a hardworking woman who strives to generate income so that she can get ahead and help with the household expenses. Two years ago, she decided to start a business of selling ceviche made from pinchagua [a type of herring]. She sells her product by the container and based on orders from her customers. Yelitza Geraldine has a good clientele because she offers an excellent product. Customers always request her ceviche because it is exquisitely prepared. This loan will be a great help because she will be able to continue improving her business.

This loan will be used to buy pinchagua, containers, and other supplies.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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