A loan helped a member to stock up on Bralima and Brasimba brand drinks, increasing her initial capital.

Upendo Sg Group's story

Aline is a client of the Hekima microfinance institution, and chair of the village group "Upendo Sg". She is married, aged 44 and has a child who is at school. Her partner is a salesman.

Aline sells drinks in a delivery warehouse. She started this business 12 years ago with start-up funds from her husband.

Later, she joined the Hekima programme to support her business and she has been able to grow it progressively since.

With this new loan, she will stock up with Bralima and Brasimba brand drinks, which will build on her initial capital. Her business is successful.

Aline would like her child to continue their studies and to feed her family. She would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they have given non-bankable businesses in the context of this global crisis of Covid-19. The photo is only of the group leader in order to respect social distancing measures.

In this group: Riziki, Aline, Josephine, Luendo, Kulu, Bwira

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Beth Coyne.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details