A loan helped to buy compost and fertilizer.

Kenedy's story

Kenedy is a 59-year old man who is in a common law relationship. He was born into a peasant family in the municipality of Espinal, that taught him all types of farm work.

He is an organized and enterprising person, with clear goals that he fights tirelessly to achieve. His main goal is to expand his mango growing business and to have an impact in the sector.

He is requesting a loan from Interactuar so he can buy compost and fertilizer for his plantations. This will strengthen his business and increase his sales, and allow him to receive a higher income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nathalia Vásquez.

This loan is special because:

It helps internally-displaced people in Colombia rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

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Lenders and lending teams

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