A loan helped to pay for his medical costs, buy medicines and improve his health.

Mirzokul's story

Mirzokul is a hardworking man who lives with his family in Panjakent, Tajikistan. He is 47 years old, is married and has three children. He works as a master who renovates houses. He tries to provide all necessary needs for his family. Unfortunately, he is sick and needs treatment. His income is barely enough for daily family expenses and he needs financial support in order to pay for medical costs.

Mirzokul is asking for a loan with Kiva’s partner IMON for the fifth time. This loan will help him pay for his medical costs, buy medicines and improve his health.

He hopefully waits for your financial support.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details