A loan helped to buy corn and firewood.

Juana Francisca's story

Doña Juana, 57 years of age, is dedicated to the sale of tortillas. She lives in San Miguel with her husband and their 40 year-old son. This business was started 6 years ago on her own initiative. Her clients are friends and neighbors. Her husband supports her in everything.
At this time she requests a loan to buy corn and firewood, because her supply has been exhausted. It is of vital importance that she not lack for these supplies since they are the main element for the preparation of the tortillas. With this loan she will grow her inventory and be able to increase production of the tortillas.
Her objective is to maintain the stable business, to continue working while health permits and to help with the expenses of the home.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer B Brown.

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