A loan helped a member to buy school uniforms, shoes, and backpacks.

Campos De Lavanda Group's story

Meet the Campos De Lavanda Group. They are starting their second cycle. The group is comprised of eight responsible and united members. Their businesses are grocery stores, food, and clothing sales.

Marta Lorena (seated with a blue t-shirt and black shorts), age, 60, is a single mother. She has three children, two women and one man. They are 32, 36, and 40 years old. They are married and independent. Her business is selling clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. She has 20 years of experience in the business. What she likes the most is the interaction with her customers. Her challenge is when sales fall.

The loan will be used to buy school uniforms, shoes, and backpacks for the back to school season. She dreams of expanding and improving the strucure of her place of sales.

Please help her get ahead and invest.

In this group: Dayana Lorena , Scarleth Renata , Ana Isabel , Isaac Alberto , Marta Lorena , Josseling De Los Angeles , Bertha Judith , Yaritza Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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