A loan helped to buy different varieties of cereals such as lentils, cow peas, maize and rice to sell in the local market.

Fridah's story

Hello Kiva community!

Fridah loves people and has always been kind to other residents of Eldama Ravine, the remote town where she lives. Fridah has experienced many challenges, but she always finds a way to pull through. She is elegant and admirable in spirit and effort.

Fridah’s primary sources of income have been milk and crops. She also engages in a small side business to supplement the meager income she earns from farming. Although she has been earning profits from farming, she has identified a market segment for selling cereals. The only big challenge she faces is the lack of funds.

Fridah is requesting a loan to buy different varieties of cereals such as lentils, cow peas, maize and rice to sell in the local market and generate a profit to support her family. The market for cereals is never a problem because the demand is always high, so she plans to take advantage of that fact. Because of the good relationship she has with her neighbors, Fridah plans to increase her market share by using word-of-mouth to reach more customers and markets.

You can help this mother achieve her dreams with a loan that will lead to huge profits.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details