A loan helped to buy a variety of groceries, makeup, perfumes, jewelry, etc. to sell.

Jesus Del Consuelo's story

Jesus Del Consuelo and her family live in the town of La Pila in the province of Manabí. Its people make clay figures, in a pre-hispanic style, and other products that are exported to various countries of the world. They sell them from the side of the highway.

Jesus Del Consuelo sells catalog products in different areas of the city, including a variety of brands of clothes, and Yanbal products (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes, and women's accessories.) She leaves her products on credit with her customers. She also sells through the internet and WhatsApp.

Through orders she also makes sweet and savory snacks and empanadas. She prepares these in the morning and packages them on disposable plates. She sells her products in the afternoons and makes home deliveries. This loan is to buy a variety of groceries, makeup, perfumes, jewelry, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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