A loan helped a member to buy vegetables and four sheep.

Saye's Group's story

SAYE l'emprunteur vedette et membre du groupe depuis sa création. Elle prévoit d'acheter 4 moutons pour son élevage et des légumes pour son commerce .Avec les bénéfices obtenus elle espéré pouvoir renforcer son activité et payé la scolarité des enfant qui sont au lycée .

Saye is the star borrower, and has been a member of the group since its creation. She plans to buy four sheep for breeding, and vegetables for her business. With the profits she hopes to be able to strengthen her business and to pay for the education of children in high school.

In this group: Saye, Mbaye, Sene , Ngom, Diouf, Tine

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sarah Hill.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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