A loan helped expand our brand to reach new markets, mordenize it, and make it more accesible.

Tamara's story

Hola! My name is Tamara; I am 37 years old and live in Coamo, Puerto Rico. Pastries and baking have always been my passion. From concept to tasting, to modifying and executing; new unique recipes have always been a process that I enjoy. Seeing the joy on someone's face as they relish in the confections I create is truly a blessing.

However, this is not my main focus, but I would like it to be, and with your help, it can. I am currently working in an agriculture company that is diverse and challenging, but it's not my dream. When not at the bakery, my husband attends the shop; it's demanding and challenging sometimes, but it is all worth it.

Once I clock out of my day job, I head to the shop and bake, plan, adjust, and work on everything for the next day. There have been very long days and sleepless nights, but seeing the shop open, busy and people enjoying themself makes it all worth it.

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About One Bite

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details