A loan helped a member to buy clothing such as jeans, shirts, slippers, and fabrics to meet customer demand.

Nyame Beye Group's story

Deborah, 35 years old, is married and has three children. Due to her experience and background, she was nominated as the leader of the Nyame Beye Group. She has owned and operated a clothing business for the past six years. Like the other member of this group, her business is well organized and requires her to work from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day. Despite these long days, Deborah is determined to operate a successful business to provide a better life for her family and to finance her children's schooling.

Deborah has requested a loan from Kiva, through ID Ghana, to buy clothing such as jeans, shirts, slippers and fabrics to meet customer demand. With the profits from this loan, she will be able to reinvest in her business, pay school fees for her children, and save for her future.

In this group: Deborah, Veronica, Christiana

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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