A loan helped a member to buy more food crops such as maize, fish, oil, etc to sell to render quality service to her customers.

Omorden Bor Group's story

This is the Omorde Bor Group made up of two members and led by Joyce. She is a hardworking, married woman, living in Teshie.

She earns a living by dealing in the sale of food crops to supplement her income. She faces a challenge, however, of limited working capital needed to meet the increasing demands of her customers.

Joyce is seeking a loan to buy more food crops such as maize, fish, oil, etc to sell to render quality service to her customers.

She aspires to have a prosperous family. Joyce is grateful for the support of Kiva lenders.

In this group: Joyce, Gloria

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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