A loan helped to buy beans, corn, and other vegetables to resell.

Rita's story

Rita is a 53-year-old woman. She lives in Chimoio, Mozambique. Rita is a motivated and hard-working woman with long experience in selling agricultural surpluses. She mainly buys beans, corn, and other vegetables to resell to her customers.

She recently had the opportunity to benefit from iDE's business and financial literacy training. She learned how to attract more customers and to negotiate better prices. By applying this knowledge, the number of her customers has grown a lot in recent times. The earlier two Kiva loans helped her to diversify her business and expand the volume of trading as well.

Rita is asking for her third Kiva loan to buy more beans and corn to resell in the market to better meet demand and make her business grow further.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details