A loan helped to buy plantains, vegetables, banana leaves, fish, pork, leather, packaging bags, etc.

Ana Cristina's story

Ana Cristina is 25 years old, is in a common-law marriage, and has two children who are 5 and 2 years old. Her children are in school, and Ana Cristina is 7 months pregnant. Her partner is a food merchant, and they live in their own house.

They live in the area of Estancia Vieja in Portoviejo, where people are dedicated to agriculture and the culinary sector. The area's cuisine is diverse and appreciated, and it includes Creole chicken broths, chicken stew, and the incomparable dish of plantains roasted in a clay oven.

She prepares and makes bollos (green plantain flour, peanuts, and fish or pork, wrapped in banana leaves). She makes and sells them in her house, and her husband helps by delivering the food and by selling it in markets. She starts this work at 7:00 in the morning and ends at 10:00 in the morning or whenever she finishes making the dishes.

This loan is to buy plantains, vegetables, banana leaves, fish, pork, leather, packaging bags, etc. Her dream is to have a lot of sales and for her family to be healthy.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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