A loan helped to buy hair straightening treatments and other beauty products.

Ana Lisett's story

Ana, age 30, is divorced and has two children, ages 8 and 9 years. The children are in first and second grade in school. For her part, Ana studied for two years for a degree in clinical psychology; in the future, she wishes to resume her studies because she liked this very much. As a secondary career, Ana graduated as a stylist. Some years ago, she started a beauty salon. She rents a shop where she offers her services, and also provides services in homes.

This is the first time that Ana has had a loan with Puente de Amistad [Friendship Bridge]. She immediately became part of the new program called “Puente al Éxito” [Bridge to Success]. This program offers individual loans and business advice to Guatemalan women entrepreneurs to make their businesses grow. Ana will receive one-on-one advice to strengthen her business and find competitive advantages.

Due to the alliance between Puente de Amistad and Kiva, Ana comes to the Kiva lenders to request her first individual loan. She plans to invest in the purchase of hair straightening treatments, because this is the current trend in the community where she offers her services. Also she will buy other products that her customers request.

Ana says: “I am very excited about this opportunity to develop my business. I want to have sufficient income to keep my children in school, and in the future to return to the university.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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