A loan helped to buy corn, lime, firewood, cracklings, fresh cheese, salsas, and bags for making tortillas and pupusas.

Fatima Beatriz's story

Fátima is satisfied, since thanks to the previous loan, she was able to buy supplies for her business and also diversify the products that she offers her customers. This allows her to obtain greater income.

Fátima is applying for a new loan because she wants to continue investing in her business of selling tortillas and selling pupusas [thick, filled corn tortillas, a traditional Salvadoran dish], which she began eight months ago. With this loan, she will make the purchase of corn, lime, firewood, cracklings, fresh cheese, salsas, and bags for the production of tortillas and pupusas. [She will purchase] all this wholesale in order to continue satisfying the demand of her customers, generating more income, and in this way continuing to improve the quality of life of her family.

In relation to the previous loan, the family circumstances have remained stable. All are enjoying very good health. With regard to their economy, she has begun to generate more income with the sale of pupusas, which makes her very happy and motivated.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers that are sole contributors to household income.

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