A loan helped to buy merchandize to grow corn, wheat, beans and potatoes and animals to fatten up and later sell.

Jaime Jorge's story

Jaime Jorge C. A. is 22 years old, is married and lives with his wife and 2 children; they live in the Guaranda area, province of Bolívar.

Jaime belongs to the Ventanilla Casaiche Chilipamba located half an hour from Guaranda. It is a group that dedicates themselves to agriculture and stock breeding like dairy cows and pigs, the group has 20 members.

Jaime grows corn, wheat, beans, and potatoes and breeds dairy cows. He buys in Guaranda and sells to a wholesale market in the same city.

He needs the loan to buy merchandize to grow corn, wheat, beans and potatoes and animals to fatten up and later sell. The loan will help him financially to meet his families’ needs. His dream is to be able to buy a home, car and fields to have his animals.

Jaime would like for his cooperative to keep helping him with loans.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details