A loan helped a member to buy microfranchises to sell eggs.

Maria Auxiliadora Group's story

The Maria Auxiliadora Group is from the city of Carapeguá and all of its members have a goal of growing, not only economically but also as individuals. One of them is Gloria who sells eggs from home. She had access to this through a micro franchising program offered by the foundation as a business idea for women in the group.

She is a very hardworking person whose goal is to continue working to help support her household and family, and continue in sales.

She is happy about having the opportunity to be in the group because it will be very helpful toward investing in and improving her business.

She is applying for this loan to buy a micro franchise to sell eggs so she can continue her business and meet customer demand.

Note: There is only one person in the photo despite this being a group photo. A group loan was not possible because of the Covid-19 pandemic which continues to be present and has not been declared eradicated.

In this group: Maria Estela, Elena Elizabeth, Gloria, Liz Andrea, Yohana Elizabeth, Limpia Concepcion, Noemi Esther, Nilda Elizabet, Alba Marina, Lilian Gricelda, Fulvia Elena, Lorena Belen, Claudia, Esther Leonor, Liz Mariela, Maria Lujan, Clara Leticia, Rosa Magali, Ana Sofia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It targets women and youth to expand their businesses.

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Lenders and lending teams

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