A loan helped to buy 30 chickens and the provisions to feed them.

Armand's story

Armand is 62 years old. He is married and the couple have five children together who are already independent. He lives in a semi-rural neighborhood and the family owns a stone home there. He has been raising chickens for two years. He is also a mason. His wife helps him.

He has partnered with Vahatra, and recently he acquired a pig with his profits. Now, he is hoping to increase the chickens he is raising so that he can earn more income. Therefore, he is asking for this loan to buy 30 chickens and the provisions to feed them. He will sell these animals to dealers in the city and then he will buy others. He will save his profits and is planning to buy a cow in the future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Suzanne McCoskey.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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