A loan helped us purchase materials and equipment to build our organic community farm store and garden!

Aina & Co's story

Both born and raised in Detroit, MI, we moved to the Big Island of Hawaii in 2013 with the dreams of growing our food and building a life connected with the land.

In 2012, our new dog became ill. Seeking resolution, we switched her food to the cleanest dog food we could find. Within a few weeks, her coat dramatically changed for the better. If food was the culprit to her health problems, then what did that mean about our food? It encouraged us to examine how food affected our quality of life.

This quickly leads to a broad understanding of the importance of food and our food system. The better we ate, the bigger our desires grew to grow our own. We knew we wanted to live and work closely with the land. Both working for the airlines at the time, we transferred to a place we knew we could do that year-round, Hawaii. We got the transfer.

So we did something crazy. We made a Craigslist Ad seeking housing and farming mentorship. We posted and waited. The very next day 67-year-old woman replied. She had 16 acres of farm that she had been considering selling, as it had become too much for her to care for herself. But she saw our photos and read our story and felt like it was ours!

We meet her, and as they say, the rest is history! She gave us mentorship in farming and business that helped us start our own. We run a successful farm and online organic fertilizer business almost a decade later and will soon open our very first farm store! We are more committed than ever and look forward to our continued growth!

This loan is special because:

It helps a small-scale farm continue to expand.

Loan details

About Aina & Co Supply

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: ainacompany.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details