A loan helped a member to purchase pants, undergarments, polo shirts, Bermuda shorts, blouses, etc.

Gs La Union Y El Progreso Group's story

Sra. Beatrice, who is of Haitian nationality, is 29 years old; she is currently in a common-law marriage. Beatrice is an entrepreneurial woman and mother of two children who attended school until she reached high school. She arrived in the Dominican Republic searching for a better life and a better future. She has approximately 3 years' experience as a businesswoman. She currently owns a business where she sells clothing such as pants, undergarments, jerseys, blouses, boxers, etc. She runs her business from her home.

With this loan, Beatrice wants to purchase more merchandise so that she has a wider variety of products, expand her business, satisfy the needs of her customers, and reach her goal of generating more income.

She is the coordinator of this group, and this will be her third loan with AEI.

Her dream is that God will help her to have a house and go to university.

Thanks for supporting Sra. Beatrice and the group GS La Unión y El Progreso.

In this group: Beatrice, Yuly, Lomene

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details