A loan helped a member to buy supplies to expand her business.

Los Brillantes 09 Group's story

Hiracena Ingrid, 28, is married and has two children. She is dedicated to selling traditional food in her own home which she started alongside her family four years ago. They get up very early to do the shopping to then cook and prepare all types of dishes that they sell. She invested her first loan in opening a premises for attention. This loan will be used to buy bulk supplies to expand her business. She knows the members of the group because they are friends from the neighborhood. Her goals and aspirations with this loan are to open another food stall and also to cook at night fried chicken and her goals and aspirations with respect to her life and family are to buy a small plot of land.

Only members of the board appear in the photo because a disbursement was made remotely due to the pandemic.

In this group: Hiracena Ingrid , Laura , Luis, Bladimir, Milton, Gregorio, Sandra, Sonia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kate Divjak.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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