A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving, and also plough their plantation for the watermelon to grow.

Hengihengi's story

This mother's name is Hengihengi. She is 41 years old, married to a farmer, and together they have five children, all of whom are in school. Hengihengi makes money from weaving taovala, using white pandanus only. She also helps her farmer husband with their plantation. On their plantation, they grow diverse types of crops such as yam, cassava, and kumara, for family and commercial purposes. Her marketing day is Saturday, while she spends the rest of the weekdays weaving taovala. When her taovala is ready, she posts it on the internet, and from there she receives followers. This loan she is applying for is to buy pandanus for her weaving, and also help plow their plantation to grow watermelon. Having to grow watermelon needs a lot of effort.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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