A loan helped a member to invest in buying inputs and basic staples to prepare food.

Liga De La Justicia 09 Group's story

Lizeth is 28 years and single with a son. She works selling food. She has worked in this business for 3 years. Her typical day is to get up very early to do household chores and take care of her son.
She will use this loan to buy inputs and basic staples to prepare food. She met the members of her group, because they are neighborhood friends. Her goals and wishes with this loan are to expand her business and offer a great variety to her customers. Her goals and wishes in her life and family are to obtain more income. On the photo one can only see the board, because the loan was paid remotely due to the pandemic.

In this group: Elizabeth , Igor , Lizeth , Gabriela Danitza , Carlos Alberto Pastor , Gregoria Alejandra , Damaris Gladys , Wilson Rodrigo , Xiomara , Juan Fernando

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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