A loan helped to establish a new, expanded music shop.

Benson's story

Benson M. N., age 22 and unmarried, sells music CDs at an open-air market in Nairobi known as Muthurwa. He has been in this business for one year now. He says that this business is profitable. His major challenge is that there are other people in the area doing the same kind of business, which inhibits customer loyalty. However, he works very hard to keep his business doing well.

He plans to use his loan of Kes 50,000 to establish a new music shop from which he will be able to serve more customers. He hopes to develop this into a large, wholesale shop where he will sell CDs and musical instruments. He sees himself becoming a millionaire! He describes himself as hardworking, determined, generous, and kind.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details