A loan helped to buy cosmetics tools and cosmetics products to develop her business.

Nargis's story

Nargis is 39 and married with three children. Her husband earns a low and unstable income. She started to buy cosmetics goods at wholesale and sell to her neighbors at good prices. After that, her clients suggested she expand her business and buy more goods and cosmetics supplies of different kinds to meet their needs. She did, and she now has a Facebook page to market her products. Her name is becoming known to more girls and ladies.

Nargis has found that her work is better to increase the family income and help her husband with household expenses. She has been working almost four years in this field, so she has experience.

She is asking for a loan to buy cosmetics tools and cosmetics products to develop her business. She hopes to make her own cosmetics line someday.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details