A loan helped a member to stock up on everyday items like detergent, sugar, rice etc and improve her working capital.

Tuhimizane Group's story

Agnes is the president of the Tuhimzane group, She is 60, married with 4 adult children, all schooled and her husband is a teacher.

She has been running a general sore since 2000, with start up funds from her husband. She has been taking Hekima loans which have increased her business. This loan will enable her to stock up on first need items, Her only problem is a lack of customers.

She wants to be able to look after her family and thanks Hekima for its support of non-bankable womem during the Covid crisis. She is the only group member shown as they respect social distance distancing.

In this group: Agnes, Adela, Apoline, Egenia, Chantal, Charlotte, Abina, Ishara, Nelly, Christine, Scolastique, Pendeza, Opportune, Odette, Pascaline, Christine, Jeanette, Sylvie, Aminnata, Machozi, Marceline, Kashibondo, Ngalya, Berna, Dorcas, Esperance, Domitile, Clarisse

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Tim Gibson.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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