A loan helped a member to buy products and supplies.

Santa Rosa De Lima Group's story

Adela, 41, is group President. She lives in the rural area of Huaycan. She’s married and has five children of whom three are still in her care. She has sold fruits in the market for the last 4 years, the same amount of time she’s collaborated with Edaprospo which has helped her improve her business and buy her stand. She would like to have a minimarket to improve her family’s quality of life.

Her group is called “Santa Rosa de Lima” because it was formed in August. It has 7 members who are neighbors. They hope to reach their goals and that Edaprospo will provide capital to do so. Adela’s brother appears in the photo with them.

In this group: Adela Rebeca, Juana, Catalina Segundina, Elizabeth Noemi, Flora Aquilina, Rosamel, Ernestina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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