A loan helped to purchase and import new stock from abroad before the holidays.‎.

Zidan's story

Zidan used to manage a popular clothing store and then started working at a ‎seamstress factory. The owner trained her to sell the designs they produced ‎and with time she gained popularity.

A few years ago, Zidan opened her store ‎and began selling the seamstress factory's designs as well as pieces from abroad. She has a ‎good customer base and her taste is well appreciated. Not only does she sell the designs in her store along with ‎imported pieces, she also distributes to other stores in the surrounding area.‎

Zidan needed this loan for new stock from abroad before the holidays.‎

In the future, Zidan wants to expand her business and one day open another b‎ranch in the nearby town.‎

This loan is special because:

It's designed to help some of the most marginalized people in Israeli society.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details