A loan helped a woman and black-owned business fully launch its non-fluoride toothpaste.

Nicole's story

Trnscnd means to go beyond the range of limitations. When using Trnscnd’s products, including our main offering of non-fluoride adult and children toothpaste, you will feel satisfied knowing Trnscnd is using safe & toxin-free ingredients to positively impact your entire family's oral health. Trnscnd’s passion is to educate our consumers regarding the parallel relationship between oral and mental health, including the negative impact associated with fluoride and why Trnscnd specializes in using a safe alternative enamel strengthening ingredient, hydroxyapatite.

Trnscnd’s passion is to educate families on the relationship between the pineal gland and fluoride, including why fluoride is toxic and can negatively impact hormones that may cause a decline in mental health and increased depression, which directly correlates to the owner's motivation to fully launching Trnscnd. I, Nicole, was born and raised in Chicago and am no stranger to adversity, grit, and determination that allowed me to push pass the limitations experienced within my lifespan. With being a mother, including having a twin daughter who is autistic, it is pertinent to limit exposure to harmful ingredients for my family and bring focus to oral and mental health as a result of me going through my own self-healing journey.

Not only will Trnscnd’s platform be used to provide quality oral care and increased education and awareness of mental health-related issues, but also for every tube purchased, 10% of proceeds will be allotted and given directly back to families in need. All proceeds will focus on supporting families within underrepresented communities.

This loan is special because:

It helps a female entrepreneur kickstart her business.

Loan details

About Trnscnd LLC

Industry: Health
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: trnscndsmile.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details