A loan helped to purchase shop supplies such as a bag of sugar, rice, cooking oil, milk, and beverages among others.

Justus's story

Justus is 34 years old. He is married and has two young children. He has been in retail business for 12 years and operates a retail shop earning an average income of KES 45,000 per month.

This is his first time borrowing from VisionFund. He intends to use the loan to purchase shop supplies such as sugar, rice, cooking oil, milk, beverages and other basic supplies. This will increase his customer base, hence generating more income.

The anticipated profits will be used to repay the loan and also help improve his family's living standards. His hope and dream is for him to be able to provide for his family and improve their living standards.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services and education in deep rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details