A loan helped to buy more cattle and feed.

Konga's story

Konga is a 28-year-old refugee father to six children and 17 dependents, twelve of whom are school going. He is together with his partner who is a housewife. He has to work extremely hard to provide for this family.

He is a farmer who grows maize, beans, cassava, and simsim. Besides this he also rears cattle and goats. The season was so harsh that the drought dried the grass, hence he was not able to get grass for the animals.

He would like to buy feed as well as more cattle so as to be able to sell some milk, plough for people their gardens, and pay school fees for the children since he has a large family.

With the support of VisionFund and Kiva, he has been able to achieve this.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees in Uganda rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details