A loan helped purchase of sacks of flour, yeast, two drums of oil, and one 50-kg bag of rice.

Marie Jeanne's story

A 47-year-old married woman and mother of three children (whose ages range from 12 to 19 years), Mrs. N. also supports two other people. She began selling beignets in 1986 after passing her high school exams, as she couldn't find work in any local businesses.

She gets up early and goes to work at 6:30am in order to prepare her beignets. Her potential customers are children, market vendors, and others. Her daily sales amount to 35000 francs CFA.

With this loan she would like to build up her business by purchasing two 25-liter containers of oil, two sacks of flour, one 25-kilo bag of rice, 1 sack of milk, yeast, and a number of bunches of bananas.

Despite the problems of merchandise scarcity in the market, her business strategy is to welcome her customers warmly, to sell good quality products, and to improve the maintenance conditions of her business.

Her goal is to become a wholesaler, to travel, and to import merchandise. She wants her children to do well in school and to improve her family's living conditions. In her neighborhood she is congratulated and encouraged in her endeavors.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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