A loan helped to buy natural poultry feed and materials to make improvements to his poultry sheds.

Jorge Leonardo's story

Jorge Leonardo is a young poultry farmer from Santander de Quilichao, Cauca. He has more than 13 years of experience in this business. Jorge and his wife currently own 250 chickens. They sell their poultry to their regular customers, which include local businesses and farmer markets in the region.

Jorge and his wife have a small toddler. They live in a house they inherited from his wife’s aunt. Their son is currently attending a local daycare where he dreams of following in his parents’ footsteps. The photo shows Jorge with his wife who is a transcendental support in his life.

A loan of 2,394,263 COP will allow Jorge to purchase a new batch of poultry feed and materials to make improvements to his sheds.

This loan is special because:

The loan will help peasants to improve their agro crops

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