A loan helped a member to buy shoes, used clothing, and groceries to sell.

Mujeres Historicas Group's story

“Mujeres Históricas” is a group that consists of eight clients. The women of this Communal Bank are known for being organized, punctual, supportive, and having the drive to succeed. They are originally from Chinandega, Nicaragua, and have a diverse assortment of businesses.

Guadalupe (who is fourth from the right in the photo) is 29 years old, married, and has two children who are in school. She has a business of selling shoes, used clothing, and groceries. The loan she is requesting will be used to restock her business. Her dream is to move forward so that can improve her living conditions.

Be a part of this group’s progress!

In this group: Julissa Marisol , Jaqueline Del Rosario , Darling Guadalupe , Maria Martha , Valeryn Nazareth , Angela Benita , Mariana Aracely , Elizabeth Carolina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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