A loan helped a member to buy vegetables, fruit, bread, canned goods, meat, and other products.

Santa Libarada Group's story

Every one of the members of this group are here to do everything possible to be able to offer the best living conditions to their loved ones. These are enterprising women who are looking for a way to be able to improve their own quality of life and that of their families.

One of the members is Eladia Elizabeth, who is the president of the committee. She is a hardworking person who fights for her loved ones so they don't have to have any needs unmet or go through any hardships. She is a hardworking person who fights for her family so they don't lack anything. She makes a living in sales, and she has a small grocery store where she works every day from early in the morning. She says that today she has a well-formed customer base.

Eladia Elizabeth has a daughter for whom she fights in order to be able to give her the best quality of life and so that she doesn't have to have any needs unmet.

She is requesting this loan in order to buy a variety of products for her shop, like vegetables, fruit, bread, canned goods, meat, and other products.

Note: In this photo there is only one person, but this is a group loan. It was not possible to take a group photo because of the need to avoid bringing people together because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Eladia Elizabeth, Maura, Maria Estanislada, Antoliana, Elisa, Maria Elsa, Maria Evangelista, Cinthia Raquel, Luz Maria, Rosa Maria, Marlene Raquel, Liz Sofia, Alba Mariela, Marian Beatriz, Celia Carolina, Zunilda Beatriz, Esperanza, Leticia Soledad, Benita

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alix F.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details