A loan helped to buy compost and fungicides, and to pay for labor to maintain her bean crops.

Gloria Susana's story

Susana lives in the Cahuasqui parish, located in the Imbabura province where the principal source of income is farming and raising livestock.

Susana is 64 years old and lives with her daughter and grandchild.

From an early age, Susana began working in farming and currently she has bean crops. She is requesting a loan to maintain her harvest, to purchase fertilizer and to pay for labor to end the cycle and harvest.

Susana is very grateful for the support and confidence put in her which has allowed her to take care of per crops and produce a better quality product, which will result in more income and she can improve her family's quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

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