A loan helped to buy an environmentally friendly jiko (stove) to again enjoy cooking for her family.

Martha's story

Hello, Kiva community! Meet Martha, a hardworking, dairy and crop farmer and mother living in the heart of Nyeri. She has a small personal business. She is a dedicated mum who loves to cook for her family and to provide for their basic needs. However, she has not been enjoying her cooking duties lately, due to her old, problematic jiko (stove). Her jiko now emits a lot of smoke and takes more than a tin of charcoal, which has become quite costly, as has paraffin.

Martha is requesting a loan to buy an environmentally friendly jiko to enjoy cooking again for her family. With this jiko, she will reduce the severe toll on the environment, and will also save on costs of charcoal and paraffin. Because it's eco-friendly, the jiko will also keep her from inhaling harmful emissions that may cause any respiratory diseases. Please kindly lend to her!

This loan is special because:

It aims to reduce energy costs for small-scale farmers.

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