A loan helped start my business with inventory purchase, marketing, amazon fees, and shipping costs.

Mercedes's story

When I started the That’s Cute Shop store on Amazon, my goal was to help women love themselves and feel good in anything they wear. I’ve always loved cute and comfortable workout clothes and fitness and health are an important part of my life.

That’s Cute Shop will be selling cute and comfortable workout sweaters, leggings, shorts, workout sets, and other workout essentials on Amazon to encourage women to focus on their health and be confident while doing it.

Since I was a child, I always had an entrepreneurial spirit, and I always knew I would run my own business. Coming from an abusive childhood and the foster care system, I’ve spent most of my life feeling insecure and not being happy with myself. It wasn’t until recently I decided to love myself and realize, I am special.

My goal is to show women who come from any struggle to love and be confident with themselves.

This loan is special because:

It helps a female entrepreneur kickstart her business.

Loan details

About Mercedes Espinoza LLC

Industry: Clothing
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details