A loan helped a member to buy pigs.

Grupo Solidario Esmeralda De Santo Tomas Group's story

Edna Rosaura is the leader of this solidarity group. She works in her business selling pork steaks and appetizers. She's been doing this work for several years and is well-known in the area. In addition to her business, she has an eating area. Thanks to the quality of her products, her clients always look for her and make varied orders of different foods.

She is counting on the offered help. She was able to attain several dreams and goals, such as the construction of a sales location and seeing her children graduate from university. She's very happy with how her business has been going.

One of her dreams is to be able to have more locations and leave the business as an inheritance to her children.

At this juncture, she wants to buy several pigs, as in this way she'll be able to have more income through her pork steak, as she will raise her own animals.

In this group: Maria Julia, Edna Rosaura, Claudia Lupita

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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