A loan helped to finish the classroom to start with the primary section this 2022 academic year.

Faith's story

Faith Foundation is a school in the Musanze district in Rwanda. It started as a gift and tailoring workshop to help vulnerable women to gain skills in tailoring and painting and to gain money by selling their ready-made items. It was founded by Faith with her savings from fashion and design skills.

The foundation started with 30 vulnerable women. After years, the number of vulnerable women increased to 200 and they continued selling ready-made items to continue supporting their families. Later, Faith realized the need for quality education in the region and with the help of funders she started a nursery school in the region.

The school has grown and parents are requesting to extend to a primary section so children will continue in the same school.

Faith is requesting a loan to finish the classroom to start with the primary section this 2022 academic year. With the loan, she will also hire seven teachers who will be teaching in the primary school. She will also continue recruiting more women and their children will have access to education.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details