A loan helped to buy necessary embroidery materials and colourful threads, attracting new clients.

Guljahon's story

Guljahon is a hardworking, talented and sociable woman from Bokhtar, Tajikistan. She is 46 years old, married and has six children.

She is engaged in the embroidery of national dresses; her two daughters help her in this profitable business. She is an experienced seamstress with a lot of clients and orders. She wants to expand her business, and Guljahon needs financial support.

Guljahon is a returning borrower with a positive credit history, and she asks for a loan from Kiva’s partner IMON for the fifth time. This loan will help her to buy necessary embroidery materials, colourful threads and attract new clients. She hopes for your financial support.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details