A loan helped a member devloping and advancing her business.

Pastef Group's story

The solidarity group PASTEF was born on inauguration day of the Banc Villageois of SANTHIAB. COKI1. Besides being neighbors, the fourteen women who compose the group have ties of kinship, an excellent relationship, and a love of work as a common denominator.

Ms. Fary F. is the group's leader (found at the far right in the photo). She is 53 years old, married, and the mother of six children. She also has six other children to support. Fary buys vegetables and condiments (black pepper, garlic, chili peppers, etc.) to resell at the market. Her loan will be used to bolster her stock of merchandise in order to generate more profit.

Fary's wish is to have substantial sales to be able to go to the biggest weekly markets and find more vegetables (onions, cabbage, carrots, etc.)

In this group: Faye, Fary, Marie, Sassoum, Fatou, Magatte, Nogaye, Ndeye Anta, Ndeye Fatou, Niakhama, Mariama, Fagaye, Penda, Nogaye

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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