A loan helped to purchase pigs, vitamins, feed, potatoes, and other agricultural supplies.

Blanca Doris's story

Blanca lives in the community of María Magdalena. She is known for being friendly, supportive, and joyful. She lives with her children and her small grandchildren in a humble home. She has worked many types of jobs so she could offer her children an education so they would have a good future. Now that she has finished educating her children, she makes a living raising pigs. This work has allowed her to generate the necessary income to support her costs and help her children. She has the opportunity to raise other animals in a space she is renting, so she is applying for a loan to purchase pigs, vitamins, feed, potatoes, and other agricultural supplies. She is hoping that through this, she will obtain a better income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Munson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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