A loan helped to buy electrical materials, nails, pipes, bolts, and other materials for her hardware store.

Jaqueline Beatriz's story

Jaqueline Beatriz is 27 years old. She is in a common law marriage and has two children who are 9 and 2 years old. Her husband is a mechanic. They live in the town of Montecristi, a place that was quite affected by Covid-19.

Jaqueline is a very hardworking woman who does what is necessary to earn income, in order to help her partner with the household expenses. Although things are difficult because of the pandemic which still affects them a great deal, she is trying, thanks to her business. She has a small hardware. She sells electrical materials, nails, pipes, bolts, and other materials.

For Jacqueline the pandemic has been very hard. For a long time she sold very little. Currently her sales have improved a bit, and she hopes they continue to do so. This loan is to buy electrical materials, nails, pipes, bolts, and other materials.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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