A loan helped to increase inventory of general housewares and affordable clothing items at her store.

Leah's story

Leah is a Kenyan entrepreneur who owns a general retail business within the Kakuma Refugee Camp. She saw the niche at the camp and quit her job as a teacher in one of the schools to establish the business in 2016.

Leah has the advantage of prior networks established and a proper understanding of the business space within the Kakuma area and this gives her an edge over other similar businesses. The store currently employs two staff who help in the daily operations.

Leah actively underwent AEC’s business training program focused on financial management and increasing sales and was able to successfully apply the skills acquired in running the business which now boasts improved cashflows and efficiency.

She is requesting a loan in order to increase working capital to enable her increase the inventory of general housewares and affordable clothing items at the store. Supporting her business will be supporting her family and a job in the community at the same time.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details