A loan helped to fill the land around her house.

Sorn's story

Sorn is a humble villager who lives in Bakan District, Pursat Province, with her spouse and three children. She is an industrious woman who works by the sweat from her brow to earn a livelihood. Her primary business focuses on farming, planting and harvesting the rice crop then selling it to the trader to earn profits. The income she earns is used to cover her daily expenses and her children’s daily needs. Sorn and her spouse want to be more successful in their family’s agricultural business so that they can earn a good income to provide for their daily needs. However, Sorn still uses traditional methods in her farming.

At the moment, the land around her house is full of mud and cannot support proper sanitation for her family. Due to a shortage of funds, she has applied for a loan of KHR 8,000,000 so that she can pay to have the land filled around her house. With this loan, she hopes that her family will have a good living environment and protection from illnesses. In the future, she aims to renovate her old house and encourage her children to continue studying at a university. She sends her thanks to the lenders for supporting her family and promises to pay back the loan as scheduled.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

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Lenders and lending teams

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